Helping Apartment Owners Take Control Of Their Own Building
Since the introduction of Right To Manage (RTM) legislation we have helped many leaseholders take control of the management of their development.
Giving Leaseholders the Power to Control their Homes
Since the introduction of Right To Manage (RTM) legislation we have helped many leaseholders take control of the management of their development.
Our involvement has been at various stages; from when leaseholders are first considering Right to Manage through to being appointed following a successful RTM claim.
We then work closely with the newly formed Right To Manage Company (RTM Co) to ensure the development is managed in accordance with the residents expectations and the long-term plan. To find out more about Realty’s services to Resident Management Companies and Right To Manage Companies click the Resident Management Companies Link above.
A prescribed route needs to be followed to make a successful Right To Manage (RTM) claim. We are happy to offer advice without obligation to any group of leaseholders considering RTM, whether it’s an informal chat about the options available or a specific detail of the process, we are happy to help.
With Realty, the process need not be costly or onerous either. Our aim is to manage your development and as such we offer a range packages to keep RTM affordable. This effectively means that undertaking RTM is easy and attractive to all participants, giving greater control back to resident groups to manage their properties.