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Realty partner with Place Northwest for MIPIM

Between the 12-15th March 2024 the world’s leading Real Estate professionals will descend upon Cannes, France to attend MIPIM, the largest Premier Real Estate event.

The theme for 2024 is the Global Urban Festival. In crafting a unique urban festival during 4 days in Cannes, MIPIM influences and accelerates the transformation of the built environment. MIPIM is a catalyst for concrete solutions, combining face-to-face discussions, thought leadership, development opportunities and global capital to drive change. It connects and inspires the international real estate community to create more sustainable, liveable and prosperous places for all.

Realty are delighted to confirm their attendance at the 2024 event, and to announce our partnership with Place Northwest as our Media Partner for the conference. We look forward to this fresh, new experience, networking, and an opportunity to learn about the future of real estate, and how the latest developments can impact our industry, clients, and customers.

If you are attending MIPIM and wish to meet during the conference, then please reach out to